BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 1'st, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:26 am

My Wednesday, September 19'th photos continued, with the rest of the shots of the liquid mud full of sticks. It is a shame about all the sticks, but perhaps their slow decomposition are what is resulting in so much bubbling swamp gas that smells like eggs (sulfur) when the mud is disturbed:

Shot at 10:29 AM:
2012 9F Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

Shot at 10:30 AM:
2012 9G Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

Shot at 10:31 AM:
2012 9H Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

Shot at 10:33 AM:
2012 9I Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 1'st, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:27 am

My Wednesday, September 19'th photos continued, this time at Crescent Lake, on the western shore and the western part of the northern shore:

Shot at 12:12 PM:
2012 9J Crescent Lake.JPG

Shot at 12:17 PM:
2012 9K Crescent Lake.JPG

Looks like an animal exited the water through the mud in this spot. Shot at 12:21 PM:
2012 9L Crescent Lake.JPG

A closer view of the mud from the previous picture. Shot at 12:21 PM:
2012 9M Crescent Lake.JPG

Something may have exited here too. Shot at 12:27 PM:
2012 9N Crescent Lake.JPG
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 1'st, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:28 am

My Wednesday, September 19'th photos continued, with the rest of the Crescent Lake pix:

Shot at 12:28 PM:
2012 9O Crescent Lake.JPG

Shot at 12:29 PM:
2012 9P Crescent Lake.JPG

There is some wood on the right, part of what appeared to be the remnants of a boat. :? Shot at 12:31 PM:
2012 9Q Crescent Lake.JPG

A picture of some shallow clay, before I shot a short video of me making lots of interesting sounds in it with my feet. Shot at 1:14 PM:
2012 9R Crescent Lake.JPG

The shallow clay, after I finished that video. Shot at 1:16 PM:
2012 9S Crescent Lake.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 1'st, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:29 am

My Wednesday, September 19'th photos continued (the last of them), this time of my Crescent Road pond sinking spot:

My bog before I did my main video. The color and shading looked normal, as you can see. Shot at 2:46 PM:
2012 9T Crescent.JPG

I had hoped that things would look the same in the video. I was wrong! :x This is what it looked like for the video. I think I can tweak the exposure, color saturation, brightness, and contrast to try and get it to partially resemble the picture before this one. Perhaps the difference in height of the camera made a difference (held by me standing up as opposed to being mounted on a tall stick stuck into the ground for the video). Comparing the two photos, you can see that the previous picture was shot from a lower angle than the video. :? Shot at 3:05 PM:
2012 9U Crescent.JPG

My bog at the end of the day, mostly shaded off by the trees. Shot at 4:27 PM:
2012 9V Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 20'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:20 am

On Sunday, September 30'th, I had my 10'th outing of the season, after missing out on two previous warm weather opportunities due to my dad being unable to give me a ride into the mountains, something which saves me time and the wear and tear on my knees and legs, not to mention the painful leg cramps during sinking. But, he was busy with one thing or another, and couldn't take me. :( Each peak in the weather peaked at a slightly lower temperature than the previous peak, but was still quite warm. But, for this outing, things were now getting closer to marginal, with there being some light frost on ground shaded in the grass where a path into the meadow exited alders at my Crescent Road pond when I first got there. But, the air was still getting warm, and I just couldn't resist having a stimulating chest-deep sink in my sinking spot at the Crescent Road pond! :D Cleanup was a bit slow, since the water was too cold to immerse in, and so had to just splash to wet muddy skin, rub to loosen mud, splash to rinse, etc.

I then headed to some meadows to the north, to check out the status of the pond with the quaking bog that I had discovered earlier on, having to drop my bike down a trail and walking the rest of the way down the trail through the woods, animal paths through the woods, and through the woods and meadow. When I got there, I was delighted to see that the water in the pond had mostly disappeared, exposing flat areas of brown peaty ground, with water being only in some small areas beside an old beaver lodge on the south side! :D So, I knew that I just HAD to shoot a video there of me crossing it! :D But, I didn't have my junk shorts with me, nor my gorillapod for mounting the camera, which were left back at my bike. :x So, after taking many pix of parts of the area and leaving my camera and some other stuff there, I had to hike back through the meadow, forest, down paths and trails to get back to my bike to get the rest of my things, before going back through the trail, paths, and woods and meadow to return to the area, wasting a lot of time. :x I got all set up, when the sun went behind clouds, which made things slightly cooler than I wanted. :x So, I did some hiking around the area (found some nice thick fine black mud to the east, but was too shallow to be of interest) until the sun came out, before doing my video. After that, I did a lot of probing of the ground with my body, finding it to be a top peaty layer of dead vegetation, with a watery layer underneath for a foot or so, and then thicker mud down below that. There was nice mushed up stuff around the east edge, one patch which I used at the end of my video, but I wanted something thicker to play in. So, I cleaned up, packed my things, returned to my bike, and then had one last stimulating chest deep sink at my Crescent Road pond sinking spot, which felt heavenly, with my right hand dislodging some swamp gas that farted quite nicely at the surface. :D I cleaned up and called it a day.

Here are the pix of the bog, which I couldn't wait to check out:

Shot at 1:16 PM, looks like something slogged through the area:
2012 10A Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:17 PM, more bog disturbed by an animal:
2012 10B Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:18 PM, a loose area that looks inviting:
2012 10C Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:18 PM:
2012 10D Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:18 PM:
2012 10E Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 20'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:21 am

My Sunday, September 30'th pix, continued:

Shot at 1:19 PM:
2012 10F Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:20 PM:
2012 10G Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:20 PM:
2012 10H Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:20 PM:
2012 10I Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:20 PM:
2012 10J Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 20'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:21 am

The last of my Sunday, September 30'th pix:

Shot at 1:23 PM:
2012 10K Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 1:23 PM:
2012 10L Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:43 PM, after I shot my video, showing the last part of my path through the bog, which was the softest part:
2012 10M Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 20'th, 2013!

Postby mud_boi » Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:20 am

Such lush pics, and so inviting. I wanna step right in and let it devour me.

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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 24'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:00 am

On Wednesday, October 10'th, I had my 11'th and final outing of the season. While there was only a very light ground frost in the shadows when I had first approached my Crescent Road pond on my 10'th outing on September 30'th, this time, there was actually some ice in places, and my sinking spot was frozen on top, even though the air was mild, and getting warm in the afternoon! :shock: The lengthening nights were beginning to take their toll, and I knew that this was going to be my last sink of the year, once the warm sun worked its magic.

While waiting for things to warm up, I hiked around the maze of meadows north of the Crescent Road pond, to make certain that I covered (hopefully) every last one in the area. I noticed that the freeze/thaw cycles had resulted in the ground getting a wrinkled and rough texture, and I took some photos of the ground in places.

Shot at 12:28 PM:
2012 11A Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 12:29 PM:
2012 11B Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

Shot at 12:30 PM:
2012 11C Meadow North Of Crescent.JPG

While I was hiking around, I began to hear lots of shots fired to the south of me, sounding like they were coming from the vicinity of Crescent Road, fairly close to my pond trail. :shock: I hate hunting season! :x All during the hiking, I waited for things to go silent, but those shots still rang out. After making certain I had explored all the meadows I knew of in the area, I returned to the new bog I had shot a video at last time. There, I did a lead-in for my final sink video of the season, and fortunately, no shots were made then to spoil things. Because it was coming from the same direction, and going on for what seemed like hours, I assumed that whoever was doing it, must have been target practicing, and it was too close for comfort for me to do my sinking video at my Crescent Road pond! :x

I finally did return to my Crescent Road pond, making certain no one was on that trail, but didn't head to Crescent Road, since I knew that was where I could likely find the hunter(s). Still waiting for the shots to end (how long can someone possibly stay in one place and continuously shoot at things?), I then passed the time by walking around the Crescent Pond and a tinier pond south of it that was once connected to it, taking pictures of boggy areas on the east side as well as the west side. Just as I had expected, my sinking spot was all thawed out, and ready for my sink, but I had to wait for things to be safe first, and didn't want to miss out on this last sinking and video opportunity. :? By the time I finished walking counterclockwise around the area, it was nice and quiet! :D Here are the pix:

Shot at 2:41 PM:
2012 11D Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:44 PM:
2012 11E Crescent.JPG
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Re: BM's Boggy Backgrounds! Updated Feb 24'th, 2013!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:00 am

My Wednesday, October 10'th pix, continued:

Shot at 2:45 PM:
2012 11F Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:45 PM:
2012 11G Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:49 PM:
2012 11H Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:49 PM:
2012 11I Crescent.JPG

Shot at 2:52 PM:
2012 11J Crescent.JPG
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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