View Counts

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View Counts

Postby cerberus » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:32 pm

Hi, I've noticed that the view counts on my thread of reposted manipulations seem to have gone a bit haywire about Aug 8th. Up to then each picture had its distinct count, after that the counts jump up and in recent weeks all four pics (I've been posting four a week) has the same count (I'd guess the total for the views of all four in the message). This isn't a particularly important issue, I look at the view counts from time to time to see which images are "popular" and whether these are the ones expected. This doesn't appear to be limited to my posts as others seem to be the same. For example Duncan's posts from before August have different counts for each photo in a message, whereas after the start of August, if there are more than one picture in a message each picture has the same view count.

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Re: View Counts

Postby KavenBach » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:53 pm

Simple response: the view counts aren't actual click on the image. The number goes up every time someone enters the page the particular image is on... or maybe the entire thread, not sure. So if you post four images one day it'll get 15 views, (say) and if you add four more the next day the new ones will have 15, the older ones 30... I'm generalizing a little of course, but I hope you understand what I'm saying?
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Re: View Counts

Postby Kookus » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:31 pm

Kaven is right -- this is a bug that creeps up in phpBB from time to time. The number you are seeing is the number of page views that particular page in the topic has received. The phpBB team considers it a very minor bug, and the current fix has some pretty nasty side effects, so it's on the back burner for now.
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Re: View Counts

Postby cerberus » Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:23 pm

Thanks guys. I have to admit to being a bit sceptical but checked and you appear to be right on what is happening now. However, it can't always have been this way, because that would mean the view counts in an individual post containing multiple images would be the same and this isn't the case in my thread before August. Anyway, as I said it isn't a big deal, if I want to test popularity I can always hold a poll. Thanks again for the response, sorry to trouble you.

PS: I'll leave you to guess how the developers where I work feel when I tell them I'm doing the testing. I always feel disappointed if I haven't found at lease two bugs in the first ten minutes. I think my record to find a show-stopper is the third key depression (It's suprising how many developers forget to code for the function keys!).

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